Folding sheet for Kees Maas, who ran the silkscreen workshop of the Gerrit Rietveld Academie for 23 years
Made as part of The Modest Master’s Mesmerizing Screen Print Shop
With an interview on one side
(blueback paper)
And a poster made by Kees Maas
on the other side
see also Kees Maas Zeef Baas
Send as a package with different A6 reproductions of Kees’ posters
Invitations (printed by Kees himself) On the front (fragments of) his last Billboard for the Rietveld Academie
As an extra gift we reproduced some of Kees’ billboards as a set of cards
Billboard by Kees Maas:
The Left Over Look
Billboard by Kees Maas:
Hart (heart)